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Voiced by Derek Napolitano


Place: 19/20

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About Cherries:

Two heads are better than one, that is unless you’re sharing the same brain! Cherries are two twins connected at their stem who think exactly alike. They have no choice but to stick together, but they don't seem to mind. While they may seem cute and harmless, together, the two think up devious schemes to prank others... though sometimes a bit too much. Ultimately, they are at least willing to admit when they’ve gone too far, but this won’t stop them from causing more mischief in the future!


Fun Facts:

  • Cherries are master impressionists. They've created a vast collection of masks for purposes of mimicking others. Since they think up scripts together, their jokes are always on cue.

  • When it comes to individual tasks, the left cherry will typically take on more logical challenges while the right one tends to tackle creative feats.

  • The Cherries offer "connection counseling services" to Yin-Yang in their shared room. Left-Cherry and Yin occupy one side while Right-Cherry and Yang take the other. No one understands how, but it works.

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